...I'm not telling how I got Duke to say what he did at the start of the episode. ;)
Due to legal reasons, several early Duke Nukem games are currently unavailable from typical download sites such as GOG and 3D Realms. From what I understand, this should only be temporary and once they're back up, I'll link to them again. :)
If you would rather get this game from the Duke Nukem 3D CD, keep in mind that it has to be the original release. The Atomic Edition does NOT come with the first two Duke Nukem games! :O
That strange noise near the end is me accidentally hitting the tripod ever so slightly... I haven't done this in a couple weeks now so I'm a little out of practice! ^_^;
Hopefully everyone likes the new title sequence and the new overall look of ADG... even though it technically has barely changed. The new way of showing the game stats and DOSBox configuration settings may've seemed like space wasting in this episode, but just wait until some games pop up with more complicated details!
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